Ada Studio 2025.1

What is a good programming language? It's a language which has a small set of words, but it's enough to accurately explicate all important minds and actions. Plain language is language that is difficult to make a bug, but find and fix easily.

This is ADA-2020, isn't it ?

.What is necessary today for developing software for scientific, engineering and business oriented systems?
1. Presence of a powerful IDE which would allow parallel work of a large number of developers (ADA packages is the best way to support parallel development);
2. Developed software, that works on various platforms and operating systems. (ADA standard provides 100% compatibility of source code);
3. Diverse and high-quality sets of widgets, providing multipurpose GUI.(This part is not included into language standard, and requires to write corresponding ADA packages);
4. Possibility of direct interaction with databases at ODBC level or interfaces to ORACLE, MYSQL, MS SQL SERVER, SQLITE, MONGO DB and others popular Databases;
5. Processing of multimedia objects: video, camera,face recognition, sound,text to speech and various graphics formats;
6. Display and processing of various documents in XML, HTML, DOC, DOCX, PDF and others popular formats;
7. Maintenance of network communication facility,webengine and data transmission. Protocols support for TCP/IP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and others popular, and also URL navigation,TCPIP server,HTTP server ;
8. 2D and 3D rendering and imaging;

9. Supports touch devices;

10.Supports sensors devices,serialbus and serial port;

11. Access to system functions and various system information.

12. Face detection and recognized.

13. Text to Speech engine and voice recognition



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